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Bioexplora Uniban

Bioexplora: A Dynamic Effort for a Sustainable Future

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Uniban launched the Bioexplora project on iNaturalist to engage local communities with science and conserve species in their areas of influence.

The Urabá region in Colombia is a dynamic and diverse landscape, home to an incredible variety of ecosystems that sustain rich biodiversity, with each species playing a fundamental role in ecological balance. Recognizing this invaluable natural heritage, Uniban launched the Bioexplora Project on the iNaturalist platform, aiming to engage local communities in citizen science to map and conserve species within our areas of influence.

Bioexplora: an inspiring commitment to the community

Since its inception, Bioexplora has involved 91 observers and more than 340 identifiers, achieving over 1,600 observations of 593 unique species. This collaborative initiative not only enhances our knowledge of local biodiversity but also empowers communities to actively contribute to the conservation of their environment.

Notably, many of the impressive photographs recorded on the platform are captured by Uniban employees and workers from allied farms, who document the natural richness surrounding them. This direct commitment brings a unique perspective to the project, combining the knowledge of those connected to the land with global biodiversity conservation goals.

Unique Species of Urabá

Among the many species documented, some stand out as emblems of Urabá’s natural heritage:

  • Great Green Macaw (Ara ambiguus) – This majestic parrot, with its striking green and red plumage, symbolizes Urabá’s diverse birdlife. Unfortunately, habitat loss has led to its classification as endangered, highlighting the urgency of its protection.
  • Geoffroy’s Spider Monkey (Ateles geoffroyi) – Known for its agility and intelligence, this primate plays a crucial role in seed dispersal, helping to maintain forest health. However, it faces significant threats due to deforestation and hunting.
  • Cotton-top Tamarin (Saguinus oedipus) – Easily recognizable by its distinctive white crest, this small primate is one of Colombia’s most iconic animals. Native to northern Colombia, including Urabá, it is classified as critically endangered, making its conservation even more crucial.
  • Heliconia (Heliconia rigida) – This vividly colored plant not only enhances the landscape but also supports local pollinators, contributing to the region’s ecological balance.

Technology for Global Impact

iNaturalist iPhone App

Through platforms like iNaturalist, Bioexplora shares local data with the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF), connecting our observations to a worldwide database. This integration allows researchers across the globe to identify risks and develop conservation strategies, linking local efforts to global impact.

Committed to Sustainable Growth

The success of Bioexplora demonstrates the power of community participation in biodiversity protection. Through awareness and respect for nature, Uniban is committed to safeguarding Urabá’s valuable biodiversity and setting an example of sustainable practices. Each recorded observation brings us closer to preserving the complex ecosystems that make our planet unique.

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