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Unibán Fundación Julio Zawady

Unibán Foundation: Building Opportunities

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Discover how Unibán Foundation is transforming communities by delivering multifunctional sports courts and classrooms. Read more about its positive impact on local development!

The coordinated efforts we are making as a company, supported by the presence and management of our foundation in the different regions where we operate, continue to make a difference and contribute to the development, growth, and improvement of the quality of life for nearby communities.

Unibán Foundation: Transforming Community Environments

Recently, under a cooperation alliance between Unibán Foundation and Cortrabam, the Corporation of Banana Workers of Magdalena, a multifunctional sports court was built and delivered in the Julio Zawady district of the Zona Bananera municipality. This sports facility will benefit more than 685 people from the residential areas of Minuto de Dios, Villa Nova, Julio Zawady Stage I, and Julio Zawady II, Stage Los Empalmes.

This project was carried out with an investment of over 280 million pesos, a decisive commitment from both organizations to promote sports, culture, and healthy coexistence among the children and youth of this locality. This is the 29th sports facility delivered to the community, with eight in the Magdalena region and 21 in the Urabá region. Additionally, with the support of the Embassy of Japan, our foundation delivered two new classrooms and renovated the sanitary facilities at the Arenas Monas Rural Educational Center in San Pedro de Urabá, providing dignified and adequate learning environments for nearly 259 students.

Carolina Jaramillo Ferrer, Executive Director of Unibán Foundation, stated: «It is essential to work on these types of initiatives, which reaffirm our commitment to the Zona Bananera municipality. It is crucial to support the construction of recreational spaces that promote well-being, physical and mental health, contribute to the comprehensive development of citizens, and foster community engagement.»

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