We were the first company in the country to manage the process of an import under the modality of «Customs Transit destined for a Free Trade Zone«, a fully executed operation carried out for the company C.I. IBLU S.A.
Customs Transit to a Free Trade Zone

With the establishment of the Comex department within the company, foreign trade operations have undergone a continuous evolution. This department is responsible for providing guidelines to ensure that corporate processes related to the authorizations granted to us—allowing us to operate as an International Trading Company (C.I.), exporters, importers, free trade zone, customs warehouse, dock, and public service port—are aligned coherently and logically with the current regulations.
Thanks to this work, customs traffic through our facilities has become a crucial process that facilitates foreign trade operations in the country. Additionally, this process has positioned Uniban as a strategic partner, enabling the movement of foreign goods under customs control from one customs office to another, placing us in the big leagues of international logistics.

For this reason, we recently became the first company in the country to manage the process of an import under the modality of «Customs Transit destined for a Free Trade Zone«, a fully executed operation that was supported by and carried out with the trust of the company C.I. IBLU S.A., which holds the AEO classification (Authorized Economic Operator), allowing it to operate without restrictions and advance commercial steps from and within the Urabá region.
Thanks to our logistics and foreign trade services, and the authorizations that allow the company to operate from our Port facility as a dock and public port, our company Uniban Logistics complies with all regulations to meet the needs of our clients.