Agrofuturo 2023

Unibán talked about sustainibility and banana productivity in Agrofuturo 2023

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Our productivity director, Fabián Fonseca, was one of the speakers at Agro – Talk, in the 2023 version of the Agrofuturo Fair, held in the city of Medellín. In this space, he shared with SENA students and representatives of companies in the productive sector, the progress, procedures, dynamics, methodologies and statistics of banana productivity in Colombia, putting on the table the importance of sustainability and continuous improvement in banana cultural practices.

Agrofuturo, transforming the vision of agriculture

Agrofuturo, was held first week of September, brought together more than 300 exhibitors, including national and international companies, around innovation, technology, sustainable agroinputs and commercial relations.

This is an event that brought together the main representatives of colombian agriculture around knowledge, research, development and commercial relations.

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