Finca Génesis: An Impressive 96% Productivity Increase

Finca Génesis celebration

We have recognised the Génesis team for their willingness to embrace changes and initiatives that contribute to increased productivity and sustainability. With meticulous work focused on fulfilling field tasks, adapting to harvest operations, optimising time during shipping schedules, and ensuring the organised functioning of production lines, this farm has boosted its productivity by 96% so […]

Unibán talked about sustainibility and banana productivity in Agrofuturo 2023

Agrofuturo 2023

Our productivity director, Fabián Fonseca, was one of the speakers at Agro – Talk, in the 2023 version of the Agrofuturo Fair, held in the city of Medellín. In this space, he shared with SENA students and representatives of companies in the productive sector, the progress, procedures, dynamics, methodologies and statistics of banana productivity in […]

We Attended the 2nd Colombian Banana Congress in Santa Marta

Colombian Banana Congress

The 2nd Colombian Banana Congress in Santa Marta brought together over 1,800 industry leaders, addressing challenges and opportunities for the progress and sustainability of the banana agroindustry. Uniban highlighted its commitment to innovation and collaboration at this crucial event. The new challenges facing the banana sector were common points in the conversations of entrepreneurs, exporters, […]

Learning Expedition: 17 delegates, 1 promising future

Learning Expedition 2024

We successfully concluded our Learning Expedition in Puerto Antioquia! Two days of intense learning and discovery. This business mission, organized by CCI France Colombia and Eiffage, allowed us to learn about Urabá, its banana production, and the future port terminal, Puerto Antioquia. This multipurpose terminal is poised to transform Colombia’s competitiveness on the international stage […]

1st Producers’ Forum: Together Against Sigatoka

1st Producers' Forum: Together Against Sigatoka

With the participation of several banana producers from the company, banana workers, quality inspectors, and other personnel from producing farms, we held the first producers’ forum of the year, a training event where we addressed the effects and treatment of Sigatoka in banana plantations. Producers’ Forum: Fighting Against Black Sigatoka In this event, where we […]

Fresh fruit

Fresh Fruit Bananas Plantains Bananas The bananas grown on our farms belong to the Musa acuminata genus, a subgroup of the Cavendish variety, recognized worldwide for its excellent flavor, texture, and its multiple nutritional benefits. For every 100 bananas consumed in the market, 4 of them are Unibán. Our 207 farms have 19,608.74 hectares of […]

Value Model

Value Model Value Model Our value model at Unibán is based on a shared vision where people are the protagonists, supported by excellent knowledge management, operational efficiency, and continuous improvement. It is made up of 14 individual components, as follows: Strategic Processes: It consists of three components: strategic direction, corporate and sustainability affairs, and producer […]


Plantains Fresh Fruit Plantain We market Hartón plantains and popocho or burro plantains, which are cultivated by our producers in the Urabá region and the department of Choco. We have 8,687 hectares distributed across 2,155 farms that allow us to meet the demand for this product in the international market. 8.687 hectares 2.155 farms We […]

Unibán participated as a speaker in the 2022 Banana Forum held by ASBAMA in the Magdalena region

The banana industry gathered to analyze and reflect on the current state of banana production in our country, as well as to develop effective initiatives that will allow the sector to overcome current challenges and circumstances.  Recently, the Association of Banana Producers of Magdalena and La Guajira (ASBAMA) held the 2022 Banana Forum, a highly […]

We Cultivate Knowledge in Bananas

Knowledge transfer and skill strengthening have become fundamental activities for the development of regions and the growth of human resources in the banana sector. In this article, we will explore the importance of these practices, as well as the progress and challenges that have been faced in this field. Working Meeting at the University of […]